It’s that time of year again for owners of Generation Information System (GIS) Load Assets to request or renew exemptions from GIS Costs charges for the coming year. To request or renew an exemption for 2019 charges, Lead Asset Owners must complete the GIS Exemption Form and send to by close of business on November 19, 2018.
GIS is an emissions reporting and tracking tool that monitors environmental attributes of generated electricity. For each megawatt-hour of electricity generated by individual units, a certificate is assigned that records the attributes of that power. These certificates are then used by electricity suppliers to differentiate their products for consumers, to provide the information required on energy disclosure labels, and to comply with state and regional Renewable Portfolio Standard and emissions performance standards. GIS Costs represent the expenses incurred by the ISO for the vendor that administers GIS. The methodology for allocating GIS Costs is described in the document, Allocation of Costs Related to Generation Information System.
For a load asset to be exempt from GIS Costs charges, its Lead Load Asset Owner must annually provide ISO New England with either a certification by one of its officers or an opinion of counsel explaining the specific reason, per the state’s Attribute Laws, why each of its load assets is not subject to the GIS charges. Read the GIS Annual Exemption Process Instructionsfor more detailed information on how to request or renew an exemption status.
Reminder: If a change is made to an assets’ owner during the year, both new and previous GIS Account Holders must inform APX of the change in order for the GIS Costs to be charged to the appropriate party.
Exemption status of each load asset is listed on participants’ Market Information System GIS Costs reports. Any GIS Load Asset with exempt status that is not renewed will become non-exempt effective with the January 2019 metered load’s billing cycle.
If you have questions about any part of the GIS exemption process, contact Customer Support at 413.540.4220 or