To update the Non-NEPOOL GIS Account Name, the account administrator must send an email to the GIS Administrator indicating the name of the original account name or account/company ID and provide information on the new account name. The GIS administrator may ask for additional supporting documentation and will make the changes on behalf of the customer.
Articles in this section
- How do I update my Non-NEPOOL Account Name?
- How do I update my NEPOOL GIS account information?
- How do I reset my password through the GIS login page?
- How do I update the Account Administrator for my GIS Account if the previous account manager is no longer with the company?
- Where can I find my Account/Company ID?
- Can multiple users access the same GIS Account?
- Can I share my NEPOOL GIS Login?
- How do I change my NEPOOL Member Account Name in NEPOOL GIS?