Here are the instructions for creating a forward certificate. Note: You can only create a forward if your project has been approved. If it not approved, please refer to guide in Section 2.
- In the Account Dashboard, locate the Asset Management module.
- Under the Asset Management module, click on the ‘Create Forward Certificate’ hyperlink as pictured below:
- In the New Forward Certificate Transfer screen, enter data into all required fields on the form denoted with an asterisk. The “Forward Certificate Name/Alias” is a name chosen by the account holder. It does not affect your forward certificate with UI or CLP, it is for account holders to track their forward certificates by a naming convention. Note: Please reach out to UI & CL&P LREC ZREC for the Begin and End Vintage date if you do not know them. NEPOOL GIS does not have these dates. Priority field requires a numerical value. If you only have one generator, you can put in 0. If you have more than one generator increase the priority by 1.
- Under the Generator’s table, enter the Monthly Percentage of 100 for each generator that is part of the Forward Certificate Transfer.
- If UI/CL&P LREC ZREC requires irrevocable forward transfers, proceed with this step. If not, account holders can ignore it. For Irrevocable Forward Certificate Transfers, check the checkbox “Selection of this box will block all capacity to rescind, or edit this Forward Certificate.”
- Click on the ‘Save’ button to create a new Forward Certificate Transfer.
- All Forward Certificate will have a status of pending. The status will be approved once either UI or CL&P LREC ZREC accepts the forward transfer. Note: Do not contact NEPOOL GIS about the pending status, please reach out to UI or CL&P LREC ZREC about the status of the forward. You can also check the status by following along on Step 8 & 9.
- To check the status of the forward transfer in NEPOOL GIS, navigate to your Asset Management module. Click on View All Forward Certificate.
- Click on status tab. If your forward has been approved, it will be in the approved tab. If it has not been approved, please check the pending and rejected tab. Follow up with UI or C&LP if you have any additional questions. If the transfer is an irrevocable transfer, you can ask a GIS administrator to change the information on the forward according to the changes that are requested.