- NEPOOL GIS Operating Rules: The set of guidelines for which the NEPOOL GIS software is subject to.
- NEPOOL GIS Definitions Index: The following Defined Terms in the New England Power Pool Generation Information System Operating Rules are located in the referenced Rule.
- Important NEPOOL GIS Dates: A set of key dates within the NEPOOL GIS.
- Third Party Independent Verifier Terms of Use: All new verifiers must submit this document upon initially registering an independent verifier account in the NEPOOL GIS.
- Import Unit Contract Seller Certification: Attestation required for all importing entities.
- Generator Owner’s Designation of Responsible Party: This form allows for the generator owner to designate a third party to manage generating assets on behalf of the generator owner within the third party’s NEPOOL GIS account.
- Terms of Use for Application Program Interface User: Required for all account holders wishing to access the NEPOOL GIS via the NEPOOL GIS API service.
- Application Program Interface Specification: Detailed technical specification for account holders using the NEPOOL GIS API service.