To register a New or Existing GIS Class I/II Generator CPS Resource, please take the following steps:
- Log into NEPOOL GIS
- In the menu bar, click on the Resources menu option and select CPS Resources.
- In the CPS Resource Registration screen, select New or Existing GIS Class I/II Generator from the drop-down and click on the Start Registration button
- In the Please choose a GIS Generator screen, select the GIS Generator to link to the new CPS Registration from a list of available GIS Generators from the User’s NEPOOL GIS account. Click the Select and Continue button to complete the link.
- On the first page of the CPS Resource Registration screen, enter in the applicable Basic Information for the new CPS resource. When information is entered, click on the Next button at the bottom right of the page.
- On the second page of the CPS Resource Registration screen, begin typing in the address of the project in the Search Address field and select the address. The remaining fields will automatically populate based on the Search Address selection.
- When all the required information is entered, click the Submit button to register the new CPS Resource.