Company ID-This is also known as your account ID. This is the ID associated with your account. This ID is a series of numbers that is located in your Account Information module.
Company Name: This is also known as your account name. This is the name of your account. This ID is a series of numbers that is located in your Account Information module.
Forward Certificate-Is an automatic transfer from one account holder to another account holder for a specific period and a definite amount of RECs. (Percentage/Fixed Amount) This can be located by navigating to your Asset Management module.
Unit ID-Is the ID associated with the generator. Sometimes Unit ID can be referred to as GeneratorID/Asset ID. Unit ID are created after a project/asset has been registered. The Unit ID will start with NON or MSS followed by a series of numbers. This can be located by navigating to your Asset Management module.
Independent Verifier (also known as IV)-Is the entity who is responsible for reporting your meter data every quarter. They can also be known as independent monitor or third party meter reader