General Questions
- Where can I find the most current REC Prices?
- What is the NEPOOL GIS Usability Group?
- How do I receive my CL&P LREC/ZREC payment?
- What is NEPOOL GIS?
- How do I sell RECs in NEPOOL GIS?
- Can I bank my Certificates to a future trading year in NEPOOL GIS?
Account Registration
Account Management
- How do I update my Non-NEPOOL Account Name?
- How do I update my NEPOOL GIS account information?
- How do I reset my password through the GIS login page?
- How do I update the Account Administrator for my GIS Account if the previous account manager is no longer with the company?
- Where can I find my Account/Company ID?
- Can multiple users access the same GIS Account?
Project Registration
Certificate Transfers
Forward Certificate Transfer Management
- How are Forward Certificate Transfers Rounded when Percentages are applied?
- Can I create a forward transfer for a GIS Project in a Pending Status?
- What is an Irrevocable Forward Transfer?
- Do existing forward transfers transfer to the new account after a redirect transfer request has been processed?
- What is the end date I should use on the Forward Certificate Transfer form for my LREC/ZREC contact?
Meter Data & Emissions Reporting
- Can I upload generation data for more than one project at a time?
- Can I upload generation data for more than one vintage month at a time?
- Can I true-up data spanning multiple quarters or possibly multiple years (beyond just Q4 to Q1)?
- What are the metering requirements in NEPOOL GIS?
- What trading period will my MMA data be applied to?
- Who do I contact regarding missing generation data for my NON project?
- How many retail subaccounts do I need to make in my LSE account?
- What is the difference between Reserve Certificates, Settled Certificates and Unsettled Certificates?
- How can I transfer Settled Certificates to another Compliance Subaccount?
- Can I assign my load obligation for a prior trading period after the trading period is already closed?
- What is the Attribute Laws Apply checkbox for?
Imports and Exports
- Why do I not see the current quarter's data on the My Certificates Disposition Report?
- What is the differences between Residual Mix by Fuel and Residual Mix parameters in the Residual Mix Public Report?
- How long after the close of the trading period will the Settled Certificates Disposition reports be published?
- What report do I access to see how my MA Solar Carve-Out II Certificates are calculated?
- What report can I view to see the number of Certificates with labor dispute?
- How do I access the quarterly Labor Characteristics statistics?