Once a CPEC transfer is initiated by the Transferor, the Transferee reviews the Inbox module to accept, reject, or withdraw the new CPEC Transfer requests.
Accept CPEC Transfer
To accept a CPECs Transfer, the Transferee takes the following steps:
1. Log in to NEPOOL GIS
2. In the Account Dashboard, User clicks on the Transfer Option from the menu bar and selects CPECs Inbox/Outbox.
3. In the Open Transactions screen, under the Incoming module, select the checkbox(es) and click the ‘Approve’ button to accept the selected CPECs transfer(s) in the Inbox.
4. Click the OK button to confirm the action.
5. Transferor and Transferee will be notified via email of the confirmed CPECs Transfer.
Reject CPEC Transfer
To reject a CPECs Transfer, the Transferee takes the following steps:
1. Log in to NEPOOL GIS
2. In the Account Dashboard, User clicks on the Transfer Option from the menu bar and selects CPECs Inbox/Outbox.
3. In the Open Transactions screen, under the Incoming module, select the checkbox(es) and click the ‘Reject’ button to reject the selected CPECs transfer(s) in the Inbox.
4. Click the OK button to confirm the action.
5. Transferor and Transferee will be notified via email of the rejected CPECs Transfer.
Withdraw CPEC Transfer
To withdraw a CPECs Transfer, the Transferee takes the following steps:
1. Log in to NEPOOL GIS
2. In the Account Dashboard, User clicks on the Transfer Option from the menu bar and selects CPECs Inbox/Outbox.
3. In the Open Transactions screen, under the Outgoing module, select the checkbox(es) and click the ‘Withdraw’ button to withdraw the selected CPECs transfer(s) in the Inbox.
4. Click the OK button to confirm the action.
5. Transferor and Transferee will be notified via email of the withdrawn CPECs Transfer.